‘Trick or Tip’: How to Stay Safe While Celebrating Halloween During a Pandemic – PART 2

‘Trick or Tip’: How to Stay Safe While Celebrating Halloween During a Pandemic – PART 2

In last week’s PART 1 post, we introduced Alexis Morillo’s ideas for a fun and safe Halloween celebration at home. We continue our investigation on Halloween celebrations during COVID-19 with more tips, tricks and strategies for safe activities.

Claire Gagne at Today’s Parent has come up with some tips and suggestions to celebrate this holiday safely during COVID-19. Here are her 5 tips to celebrating safely:

1. Festive Virtual Call: Get dressed up in your costume and set up a video call with friends and family.
2. Limited Trick or Treat: Plan ahead with neighbors and limit interactions with just a few people you trust.
3. Costume Parade: Show up at friends and family’s homes all dressed up, keeping the required safe physical distance.
4. Scavenger Hunt: Make a list of common Halloween decorations and go out to find them around the neighborhood.
5. Movie Night: Get together around the TV and watch scary movies while enjoying festive snacks and drinks.

You can read more from Clair Gagne’s article here.

Another thing to consider is indoor gatherings. There are limits established to deter large groups gathering indoors. This Halloween is no different. Therefore, you may have to forego the traditional Halloween party you host every year. Instead, we suggest having a virtual party. Get dressed and have a virtual costume reveal party with family and friends. Or, host a virtual costume contest. You could also host a group watch party where friends and family get together remotely to watch a Halloween-themed scary movie together. Pair this with some fun Halloween games, crafts and activities to round out your virtual Halloween party. Check out our Pinterest board for some fun suggestions.

Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday that unfortunately can’t be celebrated in the usual manner this year, but that doesn’t mean it can’t remain fun and exciting. We’ve compiled some of our favorite ways to celebrate in this blog post, but there are still hundreds of other unique ideas on the Internet. We wish everyone a Happy Halloween and to remain safe this holiday season.
