5 Science Experiments for National STEAM Day

November 8 is National STEAM Day. The STEAM standards aim to integrate the content and skills of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics in an approach to teaching and learning. STEAM brings a new hands-on approach to learning that encourages students to explore and interact with what they are learning.

Science standards include: concepts, processes, inquiry, physics, biology, chemistry, earth & space. Here’s a great experiment to try that uses science to measure the speed of sound. Download the activity here.

Technology standards include: design, information, power, communicate, construct, manufacture, transport. Here’s a great activity to try that uses technology to design and construct a terrarium. Download the activity here.

Engineering standards include: construct, computer, materials, mechanical, test, create. Here’s a great experiment to try that uses engineering to construct and text balanced and unbalanced forces. Download the activity here.

Arts standards include: visual, music, drama, language, design. Here’s a great activity to try that uses art to build and sculpt a diagram of a cell. Download the activity here.

Mathematics standards include: numbers, operations, data analysis, probability, order, proof. Here’s a great activity to try that uses Mathematics to complete an experiment. Calculate how much you would weigh on different objects in our solar system. Download the activity here.
